Welcome to UsTrendy - A fashion community dedicated to discovering designers and empowering consumers.
UsTrendy allows you to shop and discover one-of-a-kind fashions from all over the world. Our global marketplace contains hundreds of thousands of unique items. Our platform helps to democratize fashion, so that you help decide what designs are produced and promoted each season.
At the same time, UsTrendy helps independent fashion designers sell their products, obtain funding, and gain other assistance to launch and grow their indie clothing lines. So, whether you are a fashion lover or an aspiring fashion designer, UsTrendy is the destination to meet your fashion needs.
The Story: What Happens in Vegas, Doesn’t Stay in Vegas
In 2008, Sam Sisakhti founded UsTrendy to help talented fashion designers break down barriers created by the industry’s elite to make a name for themselves.
It all started with a guys’ trip to Vegas, where Sam reunites with his I-Just-Moved-To-L.A.-To-Make-It-As-A-Fashion-Designer childhood friend, Aaron. A concerned Sam notices Aaron is not his normal, peppy self, who later reveals his emotional and financial struggles trying to make it in the fashion industry as a successful designer, but still stay true to his own, distinctive style that got him noticed by fashion admirers in the first place.
Sam, an avid shopper, goes on to share his distaste with the lack of options found in so many stores today and wishes he could have a say in seeing more unique clothing like Aaron’s be made available to the public, but without saturating the market. And voila, UsTrendy was born! Well…it wasn’t that simple, but it is for YOU! Sign up is fast & free!